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Video Commercial to be used on television and social media

Consists of a narrator (N:) talking to the audience and main character in scene talk 



N: This is Johnny

**sitting on a free trial of massage chair in shopping centre**


N: Johnny thinks that the best things in life are free.

**he winks at the camera**


N: He loves taking his kids to birthday parties

“don’t suppose you have any leftover lolly bags hey?”

**receives two free lolly bags**


N: He loves going to seven eleven after midnight 

“Hey TJ! Got any donuts for me tonight?”

** receives free krispy kreams**


N: He loves the local ice cream store

“and what abooouuut… that flavour!?”

**takes sample spoons of icecreams and winks at camera again**


N: He loves hard rubbish week

**in the car pointing at things**

“oh look at that, who would throw that out?”

**sits at home in a worn out chair from the 70’s and winks at the camera again**


N: Johnny is also one of 30% of adults over 50 going to their free bowel cancer screening.

He knows that early detection of stage 1 Bowel cancer increases survival rate to 90%, where  stage 4 bowel cancer is a survival rate of just 13%.

**he sits with the doctor and the doctor and him talk (no sound)**


N: One of nine adults think junk food is the biggest risk factor leading to bowel cancer, but the biggest risk factor is being aged over 50.

**he shakes the doctors hand and leaves**



N: Johnny loves freebies, and this freebie might just have saved his life… so he can continue doing what he does best

**dropping his kids off at another birthday party**

“have fun guys! (turns to mother of party) don’t suppose you have any spare lolly bags do you?”

**winks at the camera**


Call to action - website

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